Tuesday, November 9, 2010

day 1

there are exciting moments in life like the first day of school or first dates, but there's always anxiety about what to wear. today was no different. what do i wear on the first day of the challenge? here's what i came up with, nothing fancy.

jacket: hurley
cardigan: hurley
top: banana republic outlet
jeans: james cured by seun (thrift store find)
scarf: pashmina from ny (gift from friend)
shoes: moccasin (target)

it's weird to take pictures of myself. sorry for the messy room in the background and yes, the basketball sign is from fall festival (anybody want to take it off my hands?)


Unknown said...

i totally know what you mean about taking pics of yourself. i always post pics of other peeps or a least someone else in the pic with me ... i feel really vain standing in our spare room trying to snap a good shot to post. oh well, it comes with the challenge i guess.

love that cardigan by the way!

mandi c said...

It's completely strange to take pictures of yourself. But you are dang adorable, so don't be shy! I love all your layers..you are great at mixing.