Tuesday, March 2, 2010

some sewing projects so far....

small tote

slouch bag (fabric from thrift store)

skirt with elastic band (1 yard of fabric)

this is a dress i worked on during the summer (this took some time to finish b/c i kept messing up the lining and having to adjust the size b/c we didn't fit the pattern properly), still need to adjust the size on the sides and shoulders a little bit

dress i made in the fall during my sewing class (didn't add the straps in time for julie's wedding and haven't touched since last year, will have to add soon if i want to wear it again)

these are just a few of the sewing projects i've completed (somewhat). i'm working on a quilt for our living room (stay tuned for that). i've been on a thrift store kick lately and have found some great items for a cheap price. because of this, i've been collecting lots of fabric and clothes which i need to sort through and organize. i've been hoarding my old clothes hoping to turn things into something else.


Anonymous said...

great projects, donas! i love the bags :) also, didn't know you made that dress you wore!

Anonymous said...

donnnnna! u have a blog!!! YAY!!!